I was recently asked why sometimes when settings TXT records on your domain DNS configuration it
took a while for the change for it to be seen by other servers. The reasons are various, mainly
DNS propagation delays. Here I’ll show you how to verify the change has been applied.
If you love how Twitter felt at the start and are looking for a nice alternative, you probably already tried BlueSky. If you haven’t, this is the best time to do it. You don’t need invites anymore and everyone can join.
This article will show you how to use one of the cooler features of this new platform: Using your own domain as your user handle. This is very useful, specially if you have a brand account with a website and you want users to have confidence they are actually interacting with you.
Today we introduce a new series for this blog that we are calling Repository Spotlight.
Here you’ll find some repositories I published and others I find useful and want to share.
Git-Utils is a simple repository where I’ll be uploading scripts I use to simplify command line tasks on my git repositories.
Is your iCloud Drive Synchronization stalled and it always shows files pending upload or download? Follow these instructions to get the problem solved.
If you are a Github user wanting to host privates repositories, you may wonder what’s the easier way to get them up and running.
You may also have to work with different accounts, and soon become aware of how cumbersome this can become, specially if you normally use https for your repos.
This article will show how to setup and use ssh to host private repositories on serveral accounts in a simple and practical way.
We are back after a quite long hiatus, and this time will be posting about Git. After all this is a github web page, so what better topic to resume (and hopefully continue) regular posts proadcast.
The adoption of Z-Shell (ZSH) as the default on macOS Catalina may seem a letdown for most bash supporters. But I digress, ZSH brings with it some nice features, and more importantly you can use Oh-My-Zsh which is a framework with plugins for a lot of languages, programs and platforms.
Keep reading to know more about ZSH and see some usefull links to get you started on this new shell features…
I decided to switch from Objective-C to Swift not long ago, and recently updated some notes for Swift 5.4 to include some new language features and share them on a gist on my main GitHub account.